Reliable Techniques for Providing Secure Access Control for Cloud Storage on Mobile Devices

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R.Kennady, O.Pandithurai


This research focuses on the development of a credible access control method for mobile device cloud storage. The proposed method involves a six-step process, including user registration and login, key generation, data encryption and upload, authentication theory between mobile devices, and data download and decryption. The method incorporates the use of mobile TPM (Trusted Platform Module) chips to ensure trust chain transmission during key exchange. Additionally, encryption based on elliptic curve cryptography is employed to reduce the key length and facilitate secure key sharing among multiple mobile devices. The proposed method offers enhanced security and reliability compared to conventional data encryption methods provided by cloud storage service providers, with minimal interaction data and increased confidence level. It holds significant practical value and exhibits a wide range of potential applications in the field of cloud storage security technology.

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How to Cite
R.Kennady, et al. (2023). Reliable Techniques for Providing Secure Access Control for Cloud Storage on Mobile Devices. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(3), 354–357.