Web3 Chain Authentication and Authorization Security Standard (CAA)

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Nilesh P. Sable
Rahul Sonkamble
Vijay U Rathod
Swati Shirke
Jyoti Yogesh Deshmukh
Gurunath T. Chavan


Web3 is the next evolution of the internet, which uses blockchains, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs to return ownership and authority to the consumers. The potential of Web3 is highlighted by the creation of decentralized applications (dApps), which are more secure, transparent, and tamper-proof than their centralized counterparts, allowing for new business models that were previously impossible on the traditional internet.
Web3 also focuses on user privacy, where users have more control over their personal data and can choose to share only what they want. The emergence of Web3 represents an exciting new frontier in blockchain technology, and its focus on decentralization, user privacy, and trustless systems has the potential to transform the way we interact with the internet.
Web3 authentication is required for enhanced security, increased privacy, and simplified user interface. Traditional login procedures and an authorization flow using web3 authentication work together seamlessly. However, there are several challenges associated with Web3, including scalability and regulatory issues.
Chain Authentication and Authorization (CAA) is a multi-layer security mechanism that allows users to choose the security layer that suits them, just like a heavy iron chain, where the user and CAA developers act as blacksmith and form their security protocol that suits them. CAA is a solution to the challenges associated with Web3 authentication and authorization, and it focuses on creating a secure and decentralized authentication and authorization system that is scalable, flexible, and user-friendly.

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How to Cite
Sable, N. P. ., Sonkamble, R. ., Rathod, V. U. ., Shirke, S. ., Deshmukh, J. Y., & Chavan, G. T. . (2023). Web3 Chain Authentication and Authorization Security Standard (CAA). International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(5), 70–76. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v11i5.6526


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