Implementation of Transmission Line Fault Detection System using Long Range Wireless Sensor Networks

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P. Dinesh Anton Raja
K. Naresh Kumar Thapa
Kotti Sai Sri Harsha
Javvadi Harish Mohana Swami Naidu
Kollipara Sai Krishna
A. Sivakumar


This paper proposes a fault detection system designed for transmission lines using Long-Range Wireless Sensor Network (LoRAWSN). The system is designed to detect and locate faults across transmission lines in real-time, which can significantly improve the reliability and efficiency of power transmission systems. A WSN will be built across transmission lines over an area. The faults identified by these sensor nodes is then transmitted to a central control unit, which analyses and displays the data. The LoRaWAN technology enables the WSN to cover long distances while consuming minimal power, making it ideal for monitoring transmission lines. The proposed fault detection system is evaluated through real world experiments, which demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed system. Overall, this paper presents a novel and practical approach for fault detection on transmission lines, which has the potential to improve the reliability and efficiency of power transmission systems.

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How to Cite
Raja, P. D. A. ., Thapa, K. N. K. ., Harsha, K. S. S. ., Naidu, J. H. M. S. ., Krishna, K. S. ., & Sivakumar, A. (2023). Implementation of Transmission Line Fault Detection System using Long Range Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(5), 77–84.


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