Biological Invasion Pueraria Montana Var Lobata has Negative Impact Towards Water, Agricultural Land Use for Substance Farming and Sustainable Development

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Constance Mafuwane, Mammo Muchie, Gift Nendzelele


Invasive alien species (IAS) are species introduced into places outside their natural range that have negative impacts on native biodiversity. The  study aims to  document the identified sites and monitor eradication progress of  all cleared sites in Mpumalanga and   observe and record the number of missed plants  and investigate the cause and best possible method to eradicate them in future. Alien invasive plants fuels climate change ,water shortage and health and environmental risk therefore there is a need to tackle them Monitoring and evaluation of  biological invasion cleared sites  is a crucial issue in South Africa thefore the study aims to close the gap. The applied study applied qualitative methodology. Pueraria montana var lobata has invaded at least  four  Provinces in South Africa, and within  the four provinces ,there are contracting teams appointed to manage the populations. Mpumalanga Province has eleven known populations, KwaZulu  Natal Province has five  populations, Gauteng  Province  has one  population and Limpopo has also one population.  The total known population in South Africa are  estimated to eighteen  sites. The research will increase the knowledge in monitoring and evaluation.

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How to Cite
Constance Mafuwane, et al. (2023). Biological Invasion Pueraria Montana Var Lobata has Negative Impact Towards Water, Agricultural Land Use for Substance Farming and Sustainable Development. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(9), 4622–4632.