Real-Time Supply Chain Resilience: Predictive Analytics for Global Food Security and Perishable Goods

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Mahesh Kumar Goyal


The existing supply chains for food products around the world are under increased pressure when it comes to handling perishable products while at the same time guaranteeing access to food products in different regions. This research focuses on applying real-time predictive analytics using IoT sensors and artificial intelligence in transforming perishable goods’ supply chain. The application of higher levels of monitoring has shown marked reduction in wastage by 47%, increase in shelf life by 35%, and distribution gain by 42%. These technological advancements have put in place sound fences against disaster incidents affecting the supply chain with equal complementation of product quality and safety. Blockchain technology has supplemented environmental sensors and cross-regional cooperation networks that has increased the traceability and cut down overall operational expenses and supplied food security parameters. These innovations have reduced hull barracks, spoilage rates and complied to food safety requirements within food supply chain networks.

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How to Cite
Mahesh Kumar Goyal. (2023). Real-Time Supply Chain Resilience: Predictive Analytics for Global Food Security and Perishable Goods. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(9), 2469–2482.