A Conceptual Cloud Forensic Investigation Process Model for Software as a Service(SaaS) Applications

Main Article Content

Varshapriya N Jyotinagar, Bandu B Meshram


This paper explore a structured and systematic approach cloud forensic investigation process model for SaaS applications, to  investigate the digital crimes in the cloud environment and contributing to enhanced security and privacy of acquired data during forensic investigation .The proposed model offers the distinctive characteristics of cloud environments and the varying levels of access and control within them. In this proposed model, the systematic forensic investigation process is detailed with microscopic details  with four phases namely the initial phase, the acquisition phase, the analysis phase, and the reporting phase in Cloud environment. Ultimately, this research aims to enhance the overall trustworthiness and reliability of SaaS applications forensic for fostering a safer and more secure cloud computing forensic investigation landscape by using the chain of custody.

Article Details

How to Cite
Varshapriya N Jyotinagar, et al. (2023). A Conceptual Cloud Forensic Investigation Process Model for Software as a Service(SaaS) Applications. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(10), 838–844. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v11i10.8600
Author Biography

Varshapriya N Jyotinagar, Bandu B Meshram

Varshapriya N Jyotinagar1, Bandu B Meshram2

1Department of Computer Engineering and IT




2Department of Computer Engineering and IT


