Study on Smart Designed Power Monitoring System Using IoT Devices
Main Article Content
This study has clearly proved that a well-designed power monitoring system is quite effective and necessary in the current year. During the same time, the integration of IOT devices with this system increased its effectiveness and use in a variety of disciplines. On the other hand, using this monitoring system makes it simple to maintain direct and effective connection with GSM and embedded controllers. Several sensors in smart design monitoring systems come in handy in this circumstance. Aside from that, the study's critical discussion revealed that smart power monitoring systems have a favourable influence on motion direction, home security, augmented reality, and technological disruption. The researcher gets data from 100 respondents out of a total population of 500. The sample for the study is chosen by the researcher using the basic random selection approach. The researcher prefers simple random sampling because it is the simplest way for selecting samples for the study. The researcher distributes the questionnaire to the study's respondents and so collects their responses in order to perform the research.
Article Details
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