Survey on Insurance Claim analysis using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning
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In the insurance industry nowadays, data is carrying the major asset and playing a key role. There is a wealth of information available to insurance transporters nowadays. We can identify three major eras in the insurance industry's more than 700-year history. The industry follows the manual era from the 15th century to 1960, the systems era from 1960 to 2000, and the current digital era, i.e., 2001-20X0. The core insurance sector has been decided by trusting data analytics and implementing new technologies to improve and maintain existing practices and maintain capital together. This has been the highest corporate object in all three periods.AI techniques have been progressively utilized for a variety of insurance activities in recent years. In this study, we give a comprehensive general assessment of the existing research that incorporates multiple artificial intelligence (AI) methods into all essential insurance jobs. Our work provides a more comprehensive review of this research, even if there have already been a number of them published on the topic of using artificial intelligence for certain insurance jobs. We study algorithms for learning, big data, block chain, data mining, and conversational theory, and their applications in insurance policy, claim prediction, risk estimation, and other fields in order to comprehensively integrate existing work in the insurance sector using AI approaches.
Article Details
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