A New Artificial Intelligence based Internet Online English Teaching Model with Curriculum of Ideological and Political Concern

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Weiwei Hu


With the development of artificial intelligence and the rapid spread of the Internet, online teaching has become an increasingly popular method of education. However, in the context of the post-epidemic era of COVID-19, online teaching has become even more important, as many educational institutions have been forced to transition to this model to ensure continuity of learning. In this context, there is a growing need to develop innovative approaches to online teaching that can effectively address the challenges posed by the pandemic. Online teaching has become increasingly important for higher education institutions around the world, and it has been particularly crucial during the COVID-19 pandemic. The teaching of English at universities and colleges exhibited significant performance for online teaching. The ideology concept performs online teaching in English for politics and comprises of different strategies. English teaching, several strategies can be implemented. This research paper proposes a novel approach to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud computing technologies in the online English teaching model with a curriculum of ideological and political concern for colleges and universities. The proposed model, referred to as AIIOE, aims to enhance the quality and effectiveness of online English teaching while also providing a comprehensive education on ideological and political issues. The AIIOE model utilizes natural language processing (NLP), machine learning, and cloud computing technologies to provide a personalized and interactive learning experience to students. The proposed curriculum includes topics related to political ideology, history, and culture to enhance students' awareness and understanding of their social and political environment. The study adopts a mixed-methods approach, including a survey of English teachers, focus group interviews with students, and an analysis of students' performance in English language proficiency and ideological and political awareness. The results indicate that the AIIOE model significantly improves students' English language proficiency, knowledge of ideological and political issues, and overall learning experience. The examination is evaluated based on the ideological and political curriculum with an Internet-based online teaching mode in English teaching. With the investigation of the Internet online teaching model, the significant contribution is evaluated. Through analysis, it is concluded that the concept of the Internet Online teaching model significantly contributed to ideological and political factors.

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How to Cite
Hu, W. . (2023). A New Artificial Intelligence based Internet Online English Teaching Model with Curriculum of Ideological and Political Concern. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(6s), 177–186. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v11i6s.6820


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