LCHAIN: A Secure Log Storage Mechanism using IPFS and Blockchain Technology

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Parin Patel
Hiren Patel


Data security is a very important and crucial part of Cloud storage. Day by day, thousands of operations function over the Cloud, verify logs generated from all transactions is very difficult. The attacker may temper or remove targeted logs or attack traces on the system with stealthy techniques. It is required to maintain the security of the log to trace back all the transactions to identify such tempering and loss of logs. Temper-proof log storage is a challenging issue on the Cloud. To overcome the issue, we propose strong and secure log storage using Blockchain technology and IPFS. Detecting log tempering and tracing is challenging due to large log volumes. We recommend the usage of Blockchain technology due to its inherent feature of immutability to address the issue of log tempering. We present LChain which provides immutable storage of logs with tracing. Blockchain technology helps yp create immutable logs but also offers non-repudiation and scalability. Smart contracts are used for efficient searching and enhancing computational power.

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How to Cite
Patel, P. ., & Patel, H. . (2023). LCHAIN: A Secure Log Storage Mechanism using IPFS and Blockchain Technology. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(5s), 22–27.


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