Disruptive Technology in Digital Notice Board using Flutter

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Anirudh Singh Sanger
Tanmay Prasad
Yashwant Singh
Rahul Jha
Sandeep Rao
Vaibhav Sharma
Dr. Manish Mukhija


In early days, notice boards were used to place notices which is a very hard process. First a teacher has to make a notice on his computer and edit to make it attractive then he must get it approved by the HOD. Then when it gets approved, he must print it then the teacher must go to every notice board and physically pin the notice on the notice board Which is a very hard and time-consuming process. In order to make this experience easy we are proposing a digital notice board Which will make the process very easy and very efficient. Our main aim is to make information easy to access to students and at the same time make it easy for teachers to build a notice using their phones and the templates provided on the app.

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How to Cite
Sanger, A. S. ., Prasad, T. ., Singh, Y. ., Jha, R. ., Rao, S. ., Sharma, V. ., & Mukhija, D. M. . (2021). Disruptive Technology in Digital Notice Board using Flutter. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 9(5), 52–55. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v9i5.5483