Simple and Naïve Techniques for Backdoor Elimination in RCA

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Usha Sunil Gound, Shweta Satish kadam, Prof. Tanaji A.Dhaigude, Avinash Shivaji Gaikwad


World is rapidly going to be digitalized and security is major challenge in digital world. Digital data should be protected against bad natured users. Number of system has come up with different solutions, some of them adopting response computation authentication. In Response Computation Authentication System, system calculates users response and if it matches with system expected value then system authenticates user. Response computation system authenticates user independently. In RCA bad natured developer have plant backdoor to avoid regular authentication procedure. Developer can add some delicate vulnerability in source code or can use some insufficient cryptographic algorithm to plant backdoor. Because of insufficient cryptographic algorithm it is very difficult to detect and eliminate backdoor in RCA. Here proposed system provides solution to check whether any system contain any backdoor or not? Login module is divided into number of components and component having simple logic are checked by code review and component which contains cryptography are sandboxed.
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.1506131

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How to Cite
, U. S. G. S. S. kadam, P. T. A. A. S. G. (2015). Simple and Naïve Techniques for Backdoor Elimination in RCA. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3(6), 4144–4147.