Smart License Plate Recognition Using Optical Character Recognition Based on the Multicopter

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Sanjaa Bold, Batchimeg Sosorbaram


In recent years Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is major focused of active research, since they can extend our capabilities in a variety of areas, especially for application like research detection, tracking and recognition. For our project goals is vehicle tracking and plate recognition. In addition, we have to combine some intelligence algorithms. In this project to define the number and type of vehicles, using our nation's roadways is becoming more and more important. This project used for Multicopter. The multicopter to flying around of the roadway. Because it is to collect roadway’s data. That means, to send a picture of a vehicle violating the law. Then our algorithm is recognizing to the number plate. In addition, this algorithm saving the vehicle number plate. We are great database in this algorithm. In this paper, template matching algorithm for character recognition is used. The developed system first detects the vehicle and capture the image. Then vehicle number plate region is extracted using the image segmentation in an image. Character recognition algorithm working on the OCR algorithm. We are detection accuracy to increase by using some algorithms. We combined these different algorithms using a modified version of PCA and OCR recognizer, we designed the proposed an architecture using OpenCV and we used to implement the design in the Multicopter.

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How to Cite
, S. B. B. S. (2017). Smart License Plate Recognition Using Optical Character Recognition Based on the Multicopter. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(9), 92 –.