Guidance Through Ultrasonic Technology for the Visually Impaired

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V. J. Shinde, Pradeep B. Kodag, Sujit Madhukar Tarte, A. Y. Prabhakar, Reshma Abhang, Sudarshana Abbad, Prashant Yadav


The primary goal of the publication is to inform those who are blind. Details that include the blind person's precise location, where they are standing, and whether there are any obstacles in the area. Our goal is to create an intelligent system that functions well in outdoor as well as indoor environments. A person must be able to discern whether or not there is an obstacle in front of him when they are walking. The visually challenged individual can move freely and without any limitations due to the existing equipment. If the visually impaired person encounters a barrier, it might sound an alarm for him.

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How to Cite
V. J. Shinde. (2023). Guidance Through Ultrasonic Technology for the Visually Impaired. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(10), 1079–1084. Retrieved from