State of Health Estimation of VRLA Batteries Using Vibration Tools.

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Chetan Upadhyay, Vijay Bhuva, Bhupendra Patel


VRLA batteries are widely accepted primary source of energy for electrical vehicles due to their cost efficiency and will remain in the near future. Despite this advantage, VRLA batteries are prone to acute as well as chronic defects due to continual usage, and they may develop various faults during their use such as reduction of electrolyte, sulphonation, etc. These faults degrade the battery performance. To sustain battery performance we must continuously measure and monitor state of health and state of charge of the battery. Various methods to measure state of charge have been discussed. And to monitor the health of batteries a vibration sensor is attached to the external surface of the cell. Real time data from the vibration sensor is used to non-destructively evaluate the internal condition of vital interfaces inside the cell. Hence pre-emptive measures are taken against any incipient faults and defects to prevent any further damage to the battery. A regular data of the vibration for batteries used in vehicles may prove to be helpful in realizing the need of repair or replacement. To collect this data a set of vibration sensors are used along with a set-up placed around a battery and a microcontroller for data acquisition from the sensors. This data is then plotted on a graph which is then matched with previously made graphs to understand the type defect that has taken place in the battery or the period of its life it is going through.

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How to Cite
Bhupendra Patel, C. U. V. B. (2024). State of Health Estimation of VRLA Batteries Using Vibration Tools. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(9), 5115–5121. Retrieved from