IMPLEMENTATION of AT-LEACH protocol in WSN to Improve the system Performance

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Mhamane Sanjeev Chandrashekhar, Amol Kumbhare


Wireless sensor networks are those that are set up in places that are off-limits to people. Sensors must find the data and send it to sink nodes. Data can be routed from one source to another sink by using a variety of routing rules. An example of such a communication system is an information-sending hierarchical routing protocol. One hierarchical system where communication takes place in two stages is Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH): the setup phase and the normal phase. Enhancing LEACH performance is necessary to prolong the network's lifespan. To improve outcomes, the LEACH method is coupled with the Adaptive LEACH (AT-LEACH) algorithm. However, since the board selection would transmit the recording to the sink, it should be considered on a regular basis. It ought to be adequate. In order to offer a complete solution for maximizing data aggregation in wireless sensor networks, this study introduces the AT-LEACH algorithm in conjunction with the LEACH protocol. Adaptive thresholding is used by the protocol to pick the cluster head in response to shifting network conditions. The threshold value is dynamically modified in response to network characteristics, including node density and energy levels, to guarantee the protocol's continued efficacy under various conditions.

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How to Cite
Mhamane Sanjeev Chandrashekhar, et al. (2023). IMPLEMENTATION of AT-LEACH protocol in WSN to Improve the system Performance. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(9s), 926–932.