Analyze Predict and Classify Water Quality and Usage of Water using Machine Learning Techniques

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Roshini L, C.R.K. Reddy


As important as water is for humans, it is also crucial for all livestock and crops. Direct groundwater consumption by crops and livestock can affect both, perhaps causing crop failure or sickness in livestock if the quality is subpar or becomes unusable. Knowing whether the groundwater is usable will allow for the proper usage of the water. Specific crops that can survive that water quality can be grown by farmers. The main objective of this paper is to determine where and how the water can be used while also classifying the water's quality into one of several classifications. data is collected from open source of Telangana ground water quality data 2020. Water quality is identified and assessed with it target parameters as WQI, Classification 1, RSC, TDS, classification. WQI gives the one value for n number of parameters the water and its usage is assessed with its grades as good, moderate, very good and poor whereas Classification 1 is assessed with 2 values as mineral rich MR and poor safe PS, RSC When RSC usage surpasses the permitted limit, irrigation suffers (>2.5). TDS as the target variable assess the salinity of water which assessed with grades. Classification is assessed with 9 types of parameters.

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How to Cite
Roshini L, et al. (2023). Analyze Predict and Classify Water Quality and Usage of Water using Machine Learning Techniques. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(9), 1563–1571.