Comparison of Different Machine Learning and Self-Learning Methods for Predicting Obesity on Generalized and Gender-Segregated Data

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Khushi Joshi, Neha Aher, Soha Arora, Varnika Mulay, Renuka Suryawanshi, Nitin Pise, Vitthal Gutte


Obesity is a global health concern with long-term implications. Our research applies numerous Machine Learning models consisting of  Random Forest model, XGBT(Extreme Gradient Boosting) model, Decision Tree model, k-Nearest Neighbors technique, Support Vector Machine model, Linear Regression model, Naïve Bayes classifier  and a neural network named Multilayer Perceptron on an obesity dataset so that we can predict obesity and reduce it. The models are evaluated on recall, accuracy, F1-score, and precision. The findings reveal the performance of the algorithms on generalised and gender-segregated data providing insights concerning feature selection and early obesity identification. This research aims to demonstrate the comparative study of obesity prediction for gender-neutral and gender-specific datasets.

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How to Cite
Khushi Joshi, et al. (2023). Comparison of Different Machine Learning and Self-Learning Methods for Predicting Obesity on Generalized and Gender-Segregated Data. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(10), 464–471.
Author Biography

Khushi Joshi, Neha Aher, Soha Arora, Varnika Mulay, Renuka Suryawanshi, Nitin Pise, Vitthal Gutte

1Khushi Joshi, 2Neha Aher, 3Soha Arora, 4Varnika Mulay, 5Prof. Renuka Suryawanshi, 6Dr. Nitin Pise,  7Dr. Vitthal Gutte

1,2,3,4,5,6,7Department of Computer Science Engineering, MIT WPU, Pune, India,,,,,,


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