New Era of Micro Cipher Algorithm (MCA) : Cipher Text for any Length of Plaintext

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Ummadi Thirupalu, A. Rajasekhar Reddy, P. Chandrakanth


Cipher text is text which is in an unreadable format. It is the text which is transmitted between the people as an exchange of secret messages. The secret message is also called cipher text. In General, the existing algorithm-generated cipher text size is equal to or greater than the actual plaintext. In a cryptosystem, there is a chance to reduce the cipher text. We introduce a new algorithm called “Micro Cipher Algorithm (MCA)” in this connection. It is an algorithm that produces a little bit of cipher text for any length of the plaintext. This feature achieves many things like unbreakable code, transmitting data through different kinds of networks and machines very easily and quickly (simply throughput) and storage of cipher at different machines as a minute. It also reduces congestion and increases throughput in a networking. throughput in networking.

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How to Cite
Ummadi Thirupalu, et al. (2023). New Era of Micro Cipher Algorithm (MCA) : Cipher Text for any Length of Plaintext. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(10), 241–246.
Author Biography

Ummadi Thirupalu, A. Rajasekhar Reddy, P. Chandrakanth

Ummadi Thirupalu1, A. Rajasekhar Reddy2, P. Chandrakanth3

1Computer Science and Engineering



2Computer Science and Engineering

NBKR Institute of Science and Technology,

3Computer Science and Engineering

NBKR Institute of Science and Technology,


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