Hybrid Algorithm for the Detection of Lung Cancer Using CNN and Image Segmentation

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Drishti Singh
Jaspreet Singh


When it comes to cancer-related fatalities, lung cancer is by far the most common cause. Early detection is the key to a successful diagnosis and treatment plan for lung cancer, just as it is for other types of cancer. Automatic CAD systems for lung cancer screening using computed tomography scans primarily involve two steps: the first step is to detect all potentially malignant pulmonary nodules, and the second step is to determine whether or not the nodules are malignant. There have been a lot of books published recently about the first phase, but not many about the second stage. Screening for lung cancer requires a careful investigation on each suspicious nodule and the integration of information from all nodules. This is because the presence of pulmonary nodules does not always indicate cancer, and the morphology of nodules, including their shape, size, and contextual information, has a complex relationship with cancer. In order to overcome this problem, we suggest a deep CNN architecture that is different from the architectures that are commonly utilised in computer vision. After the suspicious nodules have been formed with the modified version of U-Net, they are used as an input data for our model. First, the suspicious nodules are generated with U-Net. To automatically diagnose lung cancer, the suggested model is a multi-path CNN that concurrently makes use of local characteristics as well as more general contextual characteristics from a wider geographical area. In order to accomplish this, the model consisted of three separate pathways, each of which used a different receptive field size, which contributed to the modelling of distant dependencies (short and long-range dependencies of the neighbouring pixels). After that, we concatenate characteristics from the three different pathways in order to further improve our model's performance. In conclusion, one of the contributions that we have made is the development of a retraining phase system. This system enables us to address issues that are caused by an uneven distribution of picture labels. The experimental findings from the KDSB 2017 challenge demonstrate that our model is more adaptable to the described inconsistency among the nodules' sizes and shapes. Furthermore, our model obtained better results in comparison to other researches.

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How to Cite
Singh, D. ., & Singh, J. . (2023). Hybrid Algorithm for the Detection of Lung Cancer Using CNN and Image Segmentation. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(11s), 617–626. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v11i11s.8297


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