A Systematic Study of Stock Markets Using Analytical and AI Techniques
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Predicting stock market patterns is seen as a crucial and highly productive activity. Therefore, if investors make wise choices, stock prices will result in significant gains. Investors face a lot of difficulty making predictions about the stock market because of the noisy and stagnating data. As a result, making accurate stock market predictions is difficult for investors who want to put their money to work for them. Predictions of the stock market are made using mathematical techniques and study aids. Out of 30 research papers advocating approaches, this study offers a thorough analysis of each, including computational methodologies, AI algorithms( machine learning and deep learning), performance evaluation parameters, and chosen publications. Research questions are used to choose studies.
As a result, these chosen studies contribute to the discovery of ML methods and their corresponding data set for predicting security markets. The majority of Artificial Neural Network and Neural Network techniques are employed for producing precise stock market forecasts. The most recent stock market-related prediction system has significant limitations despite the substantial amount of work that has gone into it. In this survey, one may infer that the stock price forecasting procedure is a comprehensive affair and it is very necessary to look more closely at the typical parameters for the stock market prediction.
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