Utilization of Augmented Reality for Human Organ Analysis

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Neha Gupta
Ashish Bansal
Ihtiram Raza Khan
Nilesh Shubhash Vani


This research paper investigates the utilization of augmented reality (AR) technology for human organ analysis in medical education. The study aims to develop and evaluate an AR application that provides an immersive and interactive learning experience for medical students. The research follows a quantitative methodology, to develop and test the effectiveness of the AR application in improving learning outcomes. The research examines the impact of the AR application on student engagement, retention of information, and performance on assessments. The results show that the AR application has a significant positive impact on learning outcomes. The use of AR technology improves student engagement, retention of information, and performance on assessments. The application's design and functionality were found to be intuitive and user-friendly, making it accessible for both students and educators. The research highlights the potential of AR technology in medical education and provides insights into its effectiveness in improving learning outcomes. The findings suggest that AR technology can be a valuable tool in medical education, enhancing the way students learn about human anatomy. This research can contribute to the existing literature on the use of AR technology in education, paving the way for future research and innovation in the field. Ultimately, the study shows that the integration of AR technology in medical education can significantly enhance the learning experience for students, providing them with an immersive and interactive approach to learning about human anatomy.

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How to Cite
Gupta, N. ., Bansal, A. ., Khan, I. R. ., & Vani, N. S. . (2023). Utilization of Augmented Reality for Human Organ Analysis. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(8s), 438–444. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v11i8s.7224


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