Automated Personalized Big Data Model to Promote Traditional Culture with Aesthetic Education

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Rongyu Aliu
Supinda Lertlit


Big data can make significant contributions to the field of aesthetic education in universities. By analyzing large amounts of data, researchers can gain insights into student engagement with artistic content and better understand how students learn and appreciate the arts. Aesthetic education is a field of study that focuses on the cultivation of aesthetic sensibility and appreciation, as well as the development of skills in various forms of artistic expression. Aesthetic education in universities is that it helps to develop students’ emotional intelligence and empathy. Hence, in this paper constructed the automated framework model based on big data is constructed for Aesthetic education in universities. The constructed model is termed the Mamdani Fuzzy Set Optimization (MFsO) for the personalized automated model. The student information associated with aesthetic education in universities is processed with MFsO model. The MFsO model uses the fuzzy set rules for the personalized comments to the students for the promotion of tradition among students. The model uses the Flemingo Optimization model for the computation of the effective features in the big data for the generation of rules. The automated model uses the deep learning architecture model for the data transmission to the students. The comparative analysis stated that the proposed MFsO model performance is effective compared with the conventional techniques for the personalized automated system design.

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How to Cite
Aliu, R. ., & Lertlit, S. . (2023). Automated Personalized Big Data Model to Promote Traditional Culture with Aesthetic Education. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(6s), 67–77.


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