Prevention in Healthcare: An Explainable AI Approach

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Shahin Makubhai
Ganesh R Pathak
Pankaj R Chandre


Intrusion prevention is a critical aspect of maintaining the security of healthcare systems, especially in the context of sensitive patient data. Explainable AI can provide a way to improve the effectiveness of intrusion prevention by using machine learning algorithms to detect and prevent security breaches in healthcare systems. This approach not only helps ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of patient data but also supports regulatory compliance. By providing clear and interpretable explanations for its decisions, explainable AI can enable healthcare professionals to understand the reasoning behind the intrusion detection system's alerts and take appropriate action. This paper explores the application of explainable AI for intrusion prevention in healthcare and its potential benefits for maintaining the security of healthcare systems.

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How to Cite
Makubhai, S. ., Pathak, G. R. ., & Chandre, P. R. . (2023). Prevention in Healthcare: An Explainable AI Approach . International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(5), 92–100.


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