A Brief Survey on Cluster based Energy Efficient Routing Protocols in IoT based Wireless Sensor Networks

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Priyadarsini K
Saranya V G
Karthik S


The wireless sensor network (WSN) consists of a large number of randomly distributed nodes capable of detecting environmental data, converting it into a suitable format, and transmitting it to the base station. The most essential issue in WSNs is energy consumption, which is mostly dependent on the energy-efficient clustering and data transfer phases. We compared a variety of algorithms for clustering that balance the number of clusters. The cluster head selection protocol is arbitrary and incorporates energy-conscious considerations. In this survey, we compared different types of energy-efficient clustering-based protocols to determine which one is effective for lowering energy consumption, latency and extending the lifetime of wireless sensor networks (WSN) under various scenarios.

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How to Cite
K, P. ., G, S. V. ., & S, K. . (2022). A Brief Survey on Cluster based Energy Efficient Routing Protocols in IoT based Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 10(2s), 247–254. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v10i2s.5941


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