Deep Learning in Social Networks for Overlappering Community Detection

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Pranavati Bajrang Jadhav
Vijaya Babu Burra


The collection of nodes is termed as community in any network system that are tightly associated to the other nodes. In network investigation, identifying the community structure is crucial task, particularly for exposing connections between certain nodes. For community overlapping, network discovery, there are numerous methodologies described in the literature. Numerous scholars have recently focused on network embedding and feature learning techniques for node clustering. These techniques translate the network into a representation space with fewer dimensions. In this paper, a deep neural network-based model for learning graph representation and stacked auto-encoders are given a nonlinear embedding of the original graph to learn the model. In order to extract overlapping communities, an AEOCDSN algorithm is used. The efficiency of the suggested model is examined through experiments on real-world datasets of various sizes and accepted standards. The method outperforms various well-known community detection techniques, according to empirical findings.

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How to Cite
Jadhav, P. B. ., & Burra, V. B. . (2022). Deep Learning in Social Networks for Overlappering Community Detection. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 10(12), 35–43.


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