IoT-Based Smart Poultry Farming: Enhancing Security and Monitoring for High-Quality Production

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Jaypee Nicoleta Padua, Joyce Cadiz Malubay, Dionisio R. Tandingan Jr.


Poultry producers are having to respond to profound changes on the global farm, a sector that plays a key role in global food security. This research presents a smart poultry farming system using IoT to improve production by ensuring better safety and environmental monitoring. The system utilizes wireless temperature control devices, networked sensors, and associated response mechanisms to regulate temperature, humidity, and ammonia levels, meeting the needs of poultry health and welfare. The system automatically activates exhaust fans based on temperature thresholds (above 35°C and below 20°C) and alerts the owner when ammonia levels exceed 7 ppm. Real-time alerts and on-site analysis are deployed to preempt security risks such as theft and environmental hazards. This comprehensive approach, utilizing real-time data for informed decision-making and exploring future integration of AI for disease detection, highlights significant safety, efficiency, and overall productivity improvements on poultry farms enabled by IoT technology and exemplifies an encouraging direction in which the poultry farm industry is quickly moving.

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How to Cite
Jaypee Nicoleta Padua. (2024). IoT-Based Smart Poultry Farming: Enhancing Security and Monitoring for High-Quality Production. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 12(2), 914–920. Retrieved from