Study of Old Age Homes and Senior Citizen

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Tikeshwari Pande, Asha Ambhaikar, Durga Kunjam, Nikhil Jaiswal, Mayur Atkari, Aranpreet Singh Saini


The phenomenon of aging is a natural and inevitable process, and with increasing life expectancy, the proportion of elderly individuals within the global population is growing. This study aims to explore the multifaceted aspects of old age homes and their impact on senior citizens. Through a comprehensive review of literature, qualitative interviews, and case studies, this research examines the social, psychological, and health-related dimensions of life in old age homes.

The study highlights the reasons behind the growing preference for old age homes, including socio-economic changes, urbanization, and shifting family structures. It investigates the quality of life of residents, focusing on their emotional well-being, social interactions, and access to healthcare. Moreover, the research addresses the challenges faced by old age homes, such as financial constraints, staffing issues, and the need for personalized care.

Findings indicate that while old age homes can provide a supportive environment for seniors, the quality of care and the residents' satisfaction levels vary significantly. The study underscores the importance of developing policies that ensure high standards of care and promote the dignity and well-being of senior citizens. Recommendations include enhancing community support, improving healthcare services, and fostering intergenerational relationships to create a more inclusive society for the elderly.

This research contributes to a better understanding of the role of old age homes in contemporary society and provides insights for policymakers, caregivers, and families to improve the living conditions and overall quality of life for senior citizens.

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How to Cite
Tikeshwari Pande. (2023). Study of Old Age Homes and Senior Citizen. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(9), 5476–5480. Retrieved from