DARKNET: A Hidden Side of the Internet

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Rabish Chandra Mahto, Asha Ambhaikar, Rohit Navratna, Bhupesh Sahu


The Darknet, a clandestine corner of the internet, remains shrouded in mystery, intrigue, and controversy. This paper delves into the multifaceted realm of the Darknet, uncovering its structure, functionality, and the myriad activities that unfold within its encrypted confines.

Beginning with an examination of its technical architecture, we unravel the layers of anonymity and encryption that define the Darknet. From there, we explore its diverse ecosystem, encompassing illicit marketplaces, anonymous communication platforms, and hidden forums.

However, the Darknet is not merely a haven for illegal activities. It also serves as a refuge for dissidents, journalists, and individuals seeking privacy in an era of pervasive surveillance. Through encryption and decentralized networks, the Darknet empowers users to circumvent censorship and safeguard their digital rights.

Yet, the Darknet is not immune to challenges. Law enforcement agencies grapple with its illicit trade in drugs, weapons, and stolen data, while policymakers confront the ethical dilemmas posed by its existence. Balancing the imperatives of security and privacy, governments navigate a complex landscape where technology outpaces regulation.

the Darknet emerges as a complex and enigmatic facet of the internet, offering both promise and peril. Its evolution continues to shape the digital landscape, challenging conventional notions of privacy, security, and governance. Understanding the Darknet is not merely an academic pursuit but a critical endeavor for navigating the complexities of our interconnected world.

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How to Cite
Rabish Chandra Mahto. (2023). DARKNET: A Hidden Side of the Internet. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(9), 5433–5436. Retrieved from https://ijritcc.org/index.php/ijritcc/article/view/10713