Solar Powered Mobile Charging Station

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Sanidhya Tiwari, Prapti These, Tanish Daine, Todkar Swaraj, Yash Tambe


With the growing popularity of mobile electronics, charging solutions that are both affordable and environmental friendly are necessary.

This article explores the development and deployment of solar-powered mobile charging stations as an environmentally friendly and efficient way to meet this growing demand.

The charging station uses solar energy through photovoltaic panels, providing a clean and renewable energy source.

The model integrates modern technologies such as energy- efficient batteries, intelligent charging controls, and user- friendly interfaces to maximize the efficiency of charging performance and enhance user experience.

The main components of solar powered mobile charging stations include high-efficiency solar panels, energy storage systems, charging ports compatible with mobiles.

With its modular design, the station can be situated in various locations, including city centers, public squares, and remote areas that have limited access to the traditional power grid.

As discussed, the challenges and opportunities associated with the widespread adoption of solar charging infrastructure, including considerations for technology integration, maintenance, and public awareness.

The further future Scope or steps that can be taken to enhance the project are:-

  1. Our main focus -To make our solar panel model rotate in an automatic manner where the intensity of sunlight is

  2. Technological Advancement -Like increasing the efficiency and energy storage capacity

  3. Market Growth -it will help in increasing the adoption of this technology, it will help in development of rural and urban areas, it will help in increasing the business

  4. It will help in increasing the sustainability which will have a positive impact on our

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How to Cite
Sanidhya Tiwari, Prapti These, Tanish Daine, Todkar Swaraj, Yash Tambe. (2024). Solar Powered Mobile Charging Station. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 12(2), 322–325. Retrieved from