Adjustment Problems of Non-Resident Students Pursuing Higher Education in Mizoram: A Critical Review of Literature

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Vanlalhluzuala Sailo, Donna Lalnunfeli


Adjusting to a new environment is critical for non-resident students’ successful engagement with their learning at colleges and university. Identifying factors that causes problems in their adjustment will be of great significance to help improve their overall development. This paper critically reviews previous literature that investigated issues that hinder non-resident students’ adjustment in higher education institutions. The findings indicated that language barrier, social support, length of stay, perceived discrimination or prejudice, establishing relationships, and homesickness were the most significant variables related to the adjustment problems of non-resident students.

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How to Cite
Donna Lalnunfeli, V. S. (2024). Adjustment Problems of Non-Resident Students Pursuing Higher Education in Mizoram: A Critical Review of Literature. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(9), 5380–5386. Retrieved from