The Future of Accounting in e-Business systems

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Radu Danciu, Radu jr. Danciu


Businesses face a constant shift towards digitalization and virtualization due to the rapid growth of IT. The transition from ERP-type information systems to e-Business type information systems has been influenced by emerging programming technologies. Of course, the main component of these information systems is Accounting, which is not an exception and cannot remain at the current digitization stage, but must follow the steps imposed and the possibilities created by new technologies. Even if some experts claim that accounting has a weak future in the digital world, in the future, accounting needs to be strategically integrated into management and business strategies because it is the only science that has the tools to measure the economic-social reality. In this study, which includes 27 business companies and 8 IT systems, we attempt to highlight the automation of previous accounting tasks and to  present forecast accounting as a tool for corporate management and planning

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How to Cite
Radu jr. Danciu, R. D. (2024). The Future of Accounting in e-Business systems. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(9), 5241–5243. Retrieved from