Security Authentication and Privacy-Preserving in Vehicular Communication

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Vijayalakshmi V, S. Ismail Kalilulah,.V. N. Rajavarman


The critical considerations of security, authentication, and privacy preservation are essential to maintaining the credibility and efficacy of these networks in the quickly changing field of vehicular communication systems. The difficulties and developments in tackling these important areas are examined in this abstract. In order to prevent hostile activity that could jeopardies the security and operation of vehicular communication, security measures are crucial. Ensuring that only authorized vehicles and infrastructure engage in the sharing of sensitive information requires robust authentication techniques to validate the identity of communication organizations. Simultaneously, the need to preserve privacy is becoming more and more important, requiring creative solutions that strike a balance between the necessity of data interchange and the security of personal user information. VANETs (vehicular ad hoc networks) face two crucial security issues: message authentication and conditional privacy preservation. Numerous security technologies have been proposed thus far to accomplish the related security goals. Two of the key technologies in the recently released literature are identity-based pseudonyms and group signature-based schemes. But with the identity-based method, pseudonym identities can expose the actual location of the car, and the key escrow is hard to attain. With the ability to counterfeit signatures under the vehicle's key, the global manager TA of VANETs is aware of all the keys that have been supplied to the cars. Thus, the group signature system is unable to satisfy the excludability.

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How to Cite
Vijayalakshmi V, et al. (2023). Security Authentication and Privacy-Preserving in Vehicular Communication. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(11), 794–799. Retrieved from