Dual-Step Parallel Approach for Network Flow Restoration to File

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O.Pandithurai, S.karthik


This paper presents a network flow recovery method that focuses on recovering network flow to a file. The proposed method utilizes a two-stage parallel strategy to maximize the processing efficiency of multi-core computers. It involves acquiring high-speed flow, splitting the flow using Mac address xor and IP address xor methods, and resolving the initial flow into multiple thin flows. The method employs a 'producer-consumer model' loose coupling multithreading framework for data transfer within the thin flow recovery flow path, achieving parallelism at the threading level. Load balancing is implemented on each thin flow, and support for both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols is provided. The objective of this research is to address the challenge of converting "invisible" network flow into computationally processable information under high-speed network bandwidth. By doing so, this method offers technical support for identifying and blocking illegal network information transmission.

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How to Cite
O.Pandithurai, et al. (2023). Dual-Step Parallel Approach for Network Flow Restoration to File. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(3), 319–322. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v11i3.9860