An Analysis of Clustering Algorithms for Big Data

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B. Bikku, P. Praveen


Clustering is an important data mining and tool for reading big records. There are difficulties for making use of clustering strategies to huge data duo to new challenges which might be raised with massive records. As large information is relating to terabytes and peta bytes of information and clustering algorithms are come with excessive computational costs, the question is the way to take care of with this hassle and how to install clustering techniques to big information and get the outcomes in a reasonable time. This study is aimed to review the style and progress of agglomeration algorithms to cope with massive knowledge challenges from first projected algorithms until modern novel solutions. The algorithms and the centered demanding situations for generating stepped forward clustering algorithms are introduced and analyzed, and later on the viable future path for extra superior algorithms are based on computational complexity. In this paper we discuss clustering algorithms and big data applications for real world things.

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How to Cite
, B. B. P. P. (2017). An Analysis of Clustering Algorithms for Big Data. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(6), 1294 –.