Cybercrime and Cyber Law Pertaining to India: An analysis

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Shinde Kashmira Jayvant, Rekha P.


No stones are untouched by technology which gives rise to various refined crimes performed by so called intellectual criminals. The crimes performed using technology is termed as cybercrime. This paper tries to give insight on the broader areas effected by cybercrime in India. It also tries to associate various laws under various sections of IT Act 2000 which can be levied upon the culprit. It focuses on three categories of crime, viz. crime against individual, crime against property and crime against government. The paper tries to give insight on the loopholes as well as statistics of various cybercrimes in India.

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How to Cite
, S. K. J. R. P. (2017). Cybercrime and Cyber Law Pertaining to India: An analysis. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(6), 1256 –.