Design and Analysis of Current Mirror Circuits on HSPICE 180nm Technology

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S. Archana, Dr. B. K. Madhavi, Dr. I V Murlikrishna


Current mirrors are one of the most common buildings blocks both in analog and mixed-signal VLSI circuits. Current mirrors are very useful elements for performing current mode analog signal processing. It generated dc current in direct ratio with reference current.Thus used for biasing integratred circuits also as active load in amplifier design, scaling and replication purpose. This paper presents design and analysis of basic NMOS and PMOS current mirror with various conditions and also few concepts likecurrent steering and scaling, source degenerative circuit to improve output impedance.Synopsys HSPICE circuit simulator with Stanford NMOS and PMOS model at 180nm technology atVDD of 1.8V is used for simulation of all circuit. Simulation result shows NMOS current mirror power consumption of 3.9?W while PMOS current mirror takes 25?W power. Source degenerative circuit shows output impedance of 1203M?.

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How to Cite
, S. A. D. B. K. M. D. I. V. M. (2017). Design and Analysis of Current Mirror Circuits on HSPICE 180nm Technology. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(6), 1191 –.