Hybrid TUI Abacus Model: An Advance Tool for Learning Math

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Shyamsunder G. Goswami, Suraj Kutteri, Mona Deshmukh


In the world of changing technology, the speed of development using new technology has increased and so has the learning rate. Modern software helps new generation of kids learn new things easily but lack the practicality of touch and feel, and kids also become less physically and socially interactive. There always has been an argument about which way is better for learning for kids. Hence, a test was conducted to evaluate whether practical learning or learning through software resulted in faster learning. The test involved 20 kids of the 4-7 year age group, where kids were divided into two sets, each set consisting of 10 kids. One set of kids where taught mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division using a physical abacus tool while the other set was given a mobile application of the Abacus Tool. Both the sets of students were given one week learning time and a paper pen test was conducted for both the set of kids. They were allowed to use the same version of Abacus on which they were trained for a week. The results of the kids that used the mobile application surpassed those who were given the physical Abacus tool. Thus, we may conclude that learning Abacus virtually using software helps kids learn faster and much better but makes kids physically and socially inactive. We propose a hybrid model where kids experience the physical touch and feel, socialize more, while also getting the motivation of self-praise and leveraging modern software Abacus. This hybrid model is implemented in the form of Abacus.

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How to Cite
, S. G. G. S. K. M. D. (2017). Hybrid TUI Abacus Model: An Advance Tool for Learning Math. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(6), 865 –. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v5i6.869