A Systematic Packet Forwarding Approach for Overlapped Hetero Cooperative Sensor Network

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Ranjitha N, Gururaj S P


Due to the limitation of energy and network lifetime, the routing protocols of wireless sensor network (WSN) must minimize energy consumption and thus extend the network lifetime. Systematic packet forwarding approach is the genuine classical routing protocol in WSN. A heterogeneous characteristics is introduced whileforwarding packet to the next node. During data transmission, we are using cooperative category routing to communicate with the sink node, so that it can utilize energy more effectively and evenly. By analysing the disadvantage of previous routing approach, this paper proposes an improved Systematic packet forwarding approach. The improved routing system can reduce energy consumption and thus prolong the network lifetime. In order to provide energy reduction concept to the improved routing system , this paper introduces energy pool it acts as a mediator for to control overall energy required for communication.

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How to Cite
, R. N. G. S. P. (2017). A Systematic Packet Forwarding Approach for Overlapped Hetero Cooperative Sensor Network. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(6), 815 –. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v5i6.860