Wireless Sensor Node for Industry 4.0

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Anantharama Somayaji, V Nattarasu


Internet of thing (IOT) is new trend in the manufacturing Industries. By making use of IOT it is possible to connect all parts of the production process like machines, products and the systems. Industry 4.0 relies heavily on the Internet of Things - objects embedded with technology that can communicate with IT systems and be detected by sensors. The main intension of “Industry 4.0” approach is to achieving intelligent planning, production, manufacturing, maintenance, and servicing in the industry. This paper presents the method to improve the production and maintenance in the manufacturing industries by using wireless sensor node.

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How to Cite
, A. S. V. N. (2017). Wireless Sensor Node for Industry 4.0. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(6), 797 –. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v5i6.856