Sentence Semantic Similarity based Complex Network approach for Word Sense Disambiguation

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Gopal Mohadikar, Sonu Khapekar, M. K. Kodmelwar, Supriya Bhosale, Sopan Bapu Kshirsagar, Ganesh Chandrabhan Shelke


Word Sense Disambiguation is a branch of Natural Language Processing(NLP) that deals with multi-sense words. The multi-sense words are referred to as the polysemous words. The term lexical ambiguity is introduced by the multi-sense words. The existing sense disambiguation module works effectively for single sentences with available context information. The word embedding plays a vital role in the process of disambiguation. The context-dependent word embedding model is used for disambiguation. The main goal of this research paper is to disambiguate the polysemous words by considering available context information. The main identified challenge of disambiguation is the ambiguous word without context information. The discussed complex network approach is disambiguating ambiguous sentences by considering the semantic similarities. The sentence semantic similarity-based network is constructed for disambiguating ambiguous sentences. The proposed methodology is trained with SemCor, Adaptive-Lex, and OMSTI standard lexical resources. The findings state that the discussed methodology is working fine for disambiguating large documents where the sense of ambiguous sentences is on the adjacent sentences.

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How to Cite
Gopal Mohadikar, et al. (2023). Sentence Semantic Similarity based Complex Network approach for Word Sense Disambiguation. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(10), 286–293.
Author Biography

Gopal Mohadikar, Sonu Khapekar, M. K. Kodmelwar, Supriya Bhosale, Sopan Bapu Kshirsagar, Ganesh Chandrabhan Shelke

1Gopal Mohadikar, 2Sonu Khapekar, 3Dr. M. K. Kodmelwar, 4Supriya Bhosale, 5Sopan Bapu Kshirsagar, 6Ganesh Chandrabhan Shelke

1Sr. Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tolani Maritime Institute, Induri, Pune, India(MS).ORCID ID  0009-0004-5593-7607


2Affiliation: Nutan Maharashtra Institute of Engineering & Technology, Talegaon(D), Pune, India(MS).

ORCID ID: 0009-0007-9677-8931


3Affiliation: Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune



4Affiliation: Nutan Maharashtra Institute of Engineering & Technology, Talegaon(D), Pune, India(MS).

ORCID ID:0000-0002-7847-0681


5Affiliation: Nutan Maharashtra Institute of Engineering & Technology, Talegaon(D), Pune, India(MS).

ORCID ID:0009-0006-0683-5369

6Affiliation: Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune.

ORCID ID: 0009-0009-2297-7748



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