A Model for Various Automated Construction Materials Tracking and Materials Management

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Kalyani Girme


Verification is very essential particularly in construction projects because the correct quantity of inventory can make sure that all construction activities are going to be ready to do in keeping with the planned schedules. Inadequate quantity of inventory can lead to job stoppage attributable to materials needed for conducting the work couldn't be simple at time they're required, waste of labour operating hours, and schedule delays. Construction materials represent a large portion of the entire cost in construction projects. It may provide description for 50-60% of the total project cost. As the cost of materials is essential, the management of materials especially at the inventory level are important for the successful project completion. The tracking and locating of materials in construction jobsites has raise a great uneasiness among construction entities. The on-site materials tracking and locating are made tough by the use of traditional tracking process which is labour intensive, error-prone, not dependable and contribute to the increase in construction costs. Thus, this paper provides a re-examination of the existing issues in material tracking of inventory management process in massive construction projects. The findings exposed that there is a need for more proper technology to be implemented in construction project in order to smooth the progress of materials tracking process.

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How to Cite
, K. G. (2017). A Model for Various Automated Construction Materials Tracking and Materials Management. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(6), 719 –. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v5i6.841