POTC model for Safe and Secure Cyber Communication as well as Transactions

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Desai Ami Shaileshkumar, Dr. Sanjay Buch


We are currently living in an age, where the use of the Internet has become second nature to millions of people. Not only business but all types of organization is depend on the Internet. More and more home users are practice the huge benefit of the Internet. However, this dependency and use of the Internet bring new and dangerous risks. This is due to increasing attempts from unauthorised third parties to compromise private information for their own benefit – the whole wide area of cyber crime. Cyber crime is also increase in cases of unawareness about online fraud and risks. Therefore it is essential that all users understand the risks of using Internet, the importance of securing their personal information and the consequences if it is not used properly. Hackers target home users due to this vulnerability. Due to improper development of website security and loopholes hackers can easily take benefit. This paper specify current frauds and proposes a POTC model, which provide guideline to home users as well as developer. POTC model proposes a way to improve information security awareness among home users and developer by presenting some information security steps.

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How to Cite
, D. A. S. D. S. B. (2017). POTC model for Safe and Secure Cyber Communication as well as Transactions. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(6), 643 –. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v5i6.828