A Study on Hyper Spectral Remote Sensing Pest Management

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A. Swarupa Rani, S. Jyothi


Designing innovative combination of techniques to improve the sustainability of cropping system is a major challenge in many regions of the world. Long-term cropping systems research is important in order to reduce production costs, to control crop pests, and to optimize the sustainability of agro-ecosystems. Research into vegetative spectral reflectance can help us gain a better understanding of the physical, physiological and chemical processes in plants due to pest and disease attack and to detect the resulting biotic stress. This has important implications to effective pest management. Pest surveillance programs such as field scouting are often expensive, time consuming, laborious and prone to error. As remote sensing gives a synoptic view of the area in a non-destructive and non-invasive way, this technology could be effective and provide timely information on spatial variability of pest damage over a large area. In this paper to study management of water, nutrients, and pests in agricultural crops and assesses the role of hyperspectral remote sensing in yield prediction and also remote sensing can guide scouting efforts and crop protection advisory in a more precise and effective manner in the field of pest management.

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How to Cite
, A. S. R. S. J. (2017). A Study on Hyper Spectral Remote Sensing Pest Management. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(6), 497 –. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v5i6.804