Clone Detection for Efficient System in WSN Using AODV

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Prof. Roshani Talmale, Ms. Rupika Yadav, Prof. Vishal Tiwari


Wireless sensor networks accommodate a whole lot to thousands of sensor nodes and are wide employed in civilian and security applications. One in every of the intense physical attacks faced by the wireless sensor network is node clone attack. So 2 node clone detection protocols area unit introduced via distributed hash table and arbitrarily directed exploration to detect node clones. The previous primarily based on a hash table value that is already distributed and provides key based facilities like checking and caching to observe node clones. The later one is exploitation probabilistic directed forwarding technique and border determination. The simulation results for storage consumption, communication value and detection chance is completed exploitation NS2 and obtained arbitrarily directed exploration is that the best one having low communication value and storage consumption and has smart detection chance.

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How to Cite
, P. R. T. M. R. Y. P. V. T. (2017). Clone Detection for Efficient System in WSN Using AODV. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(6), 471 –.