A Multilabel Approach for Fault Detection and Classification of Transmission Lines using Binary Relevance
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In Contemporary automation systems, Fault detection and classification of electrical transmission lines in grid systems are given top priority. The broad application of Machine Learning (ML) methods has enabled the substitute of conventional methods of fault identification and classification. These methods are more effective ones that can identify faults early on using a significant quantity of sensory data. So detecting simultaneous failures is difficult in the context of distracting the noise and several faults in the transmission lines. This study contributes by offering a unique way for concurrently detecting and classifying several faults using a multilabel classification approach based on binary relevance classifiers. The proposed binary relevance multilabel detection and classification models’ performances are examined. Under both ideal and problematic circumstances, faults in the dataset are collected. A variety of multilabel fault types detection and classification determines the suggested method’s effectiveness.
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