Oxygen Saturation and Heart Rate Monitoring System by Mobile

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Rosa Perez-Siguas
Hernan Matta-Solis
Eduardo Matta-Solis
Hernan Matta-Perez
Anika Remuzgo-Artezano
Luis Perez-Siguas
Brian Meneses-Claudio


COVID-19 changed the way people live, causing a high mortality rate and making the entire health system in the world difficult due to the lack of equipment and infrastructure, causing many people to be treated from home, constantly measuring their saturation level and heart rate with the help of a pulse oximeter,  since the virus directly affects the respiratory system, it has been added that people with lung or cardiovascular problems also have to perform the constant measurement of both vital signs to visualize that they are in a normal range, otherwise, they would have to attend a medical center, so it is important to monitor both vital signs. In view of this problem, in this article a monitoring system of oxygen saturation and heart rate was carried out by mobile application, in such a way that both vital signs can be constantly monitored and an alert can be given to the health center with the coordinates of the person when the system detects a measurement outside the normal range,  with this, it would help people who may need medical attention immediately, being able to save their lives. Through the development of the monitoring system, it was possible to observe the operation of the mobile application with an efficiency of 99.15% in monitoring the level of oxygen saturation and 98.78% in monitoring the heart rate, taking 4 seconds to send the alert to the health center to assist the patient.

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How to Cite
Perez-Siguas, R. ., Matta-Solis, H. ., Matta-Solis, E. ., Matta-Perez, H. ., Remuzgo-Artezano, A. ., Perez-Siguas, L. ., & Meneses-Claudio, B. . (2023). Oxygen Saturation and Heart Rate Monitoring System by Mobile. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(7), 235–239. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v11i7.7902


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