Feasibility and Stability of Steel Girder Bridge on Basis of Corrosion

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Reshma Biswakarma, Er. Manjit Kaur


This study is focused on evaluating of a composite steel girder bridge structural. The reliability indices have been calculated for a specified bridge in Nebraska State which had corroded girders. The problem of corrosion was dealing with as outcome of a long time exposure where the environmental impacts take place. The increasing number of deteriorating infrastructures (bridges) needs more attention from the designer’s aspect. In parallel action, the evaluation procedure and rehabilitation process are becoming important topics in bridge field. The steel girder bridges are the typical structures in the highways system. The targeted steel girder bridge has been evaluated in this research through ultimate and service limit states. According to results, the designed live load capacity may be influenced; it is simply depend on the size of the affected area and corrosion rate. The corrosion penetration was determined according to (Park, 1999) data for the steel girder.

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How to Cite
, R. B. E. M. K. (2017). Feasibility and Stability of Steel Girder Bridge on Basis of Corrosion. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(6), 426 –. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v5i6.790