Visual Tracking Based on Human Feature Extraction from Surveillance Video for Human Recognition
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A multimodal human identification system based on face and body recognition may be made available for effective biometric authentication. The outcomes are achieved by extracting facial recognition characteristics using several extraction techniques, including Eigen-face and Principle Component Analysis (PCA). Systems for authenticating people using their bodies and faces are implemented using artificial neural networks (ANN) and genetic optimization techniques as classifiers. Through feature fusion and scores fusion, the biometric systems for the human body and face are merged to create a single multimodal biometric system. Human bodies may be identified with astonishing accuracy and effectiveness thanks to the SDK for the Kinect sensor. To identify people, biometrics aims to mimic the pattern recognition process. In comparison to traditional authentication methods based on secrets and tokens, it is a more dependable and safe option. Human physiological and behavioral traits are used by biometric technologies to identify people automatically. These characteristics must fulfill many criteria, especially those that relate to universality, efficacy, and applicability.
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