Enhanced Approach for Bug Severity Prediction: Experimentation and Scope for Improvements
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Software development is an iterative process, where developers create, test, and refine their code until it is ready for release. Along the way, bugs and issues are inevitable. A bug can be any error identified in requirement specification, design or implementation of any project. These bugs need to be categorized and assigned to developers to be resolved. the number of bugs generated in any large scale project are vast in number. These bugs can have significant or no impact on the project depending on the type of bug. The aim of this study is to develop a deep learning-based bug severity prediction model that can accurately predict the severity levels of software bugs. This study aims to address the limitations of the current manual bug severity assessment process and provide an automated solution using various classifiers e.g. Naïve Bayes, Logistic regression, KNN and Support vector machine along with Mutual information as feature selection method, that can assist software development teams in giving severity code to bugs effectively. It seeks to improve the overall software development process by reducing the time and effort required for bug resolution and enhancing the quality and reliability of software.
Article Details
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